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Chamber Music Harmonieuses Dissonances

Montalbetti, E.

Ensemble Intercontemporain/Christian Tetzlaff

CD   1 disc(s)   03-07-2023
Classical | Chamber Music

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€ 19.95 € 22.95
Extra info: Ensemble Intercontemporain/Christian Tetzlaff
Drager: CD
Maatschappij: Outhere
Label: Alpha
Barcode: 3760014195839
Artikelcode: Z43462
Suffix - prefix: 583 ALPHA

Alexander Vorontsov, Christian Tetzlaff (violin), Pierre Génisson, Delphine Haidan, Hidéki Nagano & Quatuor Les Dissonances, Eric-Maria Couturier, Hae Sun Kang

Prominente namen

De tweede productie met werken van de Franse componist Eric Montalbetti brengt opnieuw een hele reeks prominente namen samen, waaronder Christian Tetzlaff en leden van het Ensemble Intercontemporain. Naast het gelijknamige strijkkwartet Harmonieuses Dissonances zijn er twee duo-composities en een pianotrio te horen, waarvan sommige onlangs door de uitvoerenden in première zijn gebracht.

 Duo pour violon & piano 'Lied des Dankes für das Leben in Freundschaft'
 Hommage à Matisse
 Piano Trio
 String Quartet 'Harmonieuses dissonances'

"The stage seems set for a demonstration of unashamed eclecticism. The four works included here provide challenging workouts for some first-class performers, led by Christian Tetzlaff…[In Hommage à Matisse] Montalbetti shows just how successful he can be in blending a winning directness of expression with a subtlety that comes from constantly varied inflections of dynamics and tonecolour."
Gramophone Magazine - July 2020

"Each of the works contained on this disc receives a superlative reading—every one of them requires top-flight virtuosos to bring off, and Montalbetti has attracted an amazing group of such performers to do so. This well-recorded recital will appeal to those whose ears have been well attuned to the most challenging music of our era, and for them, the disc will provide ample rewards."
Fanfare - Jan/Feb 2021